Do you have scholarships available? THE ANSWER IS YES!
Pine Springs Camp NEVER wants financial restrictions to be a reason why a camper is not able to attend camp. On the registration form you can check a box that says, “Yes, I would like more information about receiving financial assistance to attend camp”. All we ask is that you make the initial camp deposit of $75.00.
What happens after I register online or send my registration in through the mail?
If you register online, you will immediately receive an email registration confirmation. The email will include verification of your camp, balance owed, and an attachment with links to forms that you need to print, fill out and mail in.
If you register through the mail, you will receive an email confirmation within 5-7 days unless you check a box that says you want to receive a hard copy of the confirmation packet. The email will also include all the necessary forms that you need to fill out and return.
Can I request a cabin mate?
Yes, you may request that your child be in a cabin with up to 3 friends who are in the same age range (ex. Completed grades K-2nd, 3rd-5th, 6th-8th and 9th-12th), the same camp, and the same gender. You can write your cabin mate preferences on the registration form. Our desire is to honor cabin mate requests whenever possible.
What is your cancellation policy?
If you need to cancel your registration please contact the camp office.
Cancellation and refund stipulations are as follows: Cancellations received 15 days prior to the start of the scheduled week of camp are eligible for a refund, less the nonrefundable deposit.
Cancellations received within 15 days of the start of camp you are registered for will be charged a $75 cancellation fee in addition to the non-refundable deposit. Exceptions would be medical problems, death in the family, or other similar types of circumstances. Please contact the office under these circumstances 814-629-9834
What needs to be completed before the first day of camp?
We ask that parents/guardians submit the following forms to camp at least two weeks prior to the campers arrival:
* Medical Form
* Liability Form
* Counselor Communication Form
* Camper Covenant
* Camper Release Form
Does my camper need to have a physicians signature on the Health Form?
ACA has changed it's requirement, and this is no longer required beginning in the summer of 2024. You will still need to fill out and sign our Medical Release Form each summer.
How should I handle any food allergies?
Any questions about our menu or concerns about allergies can be discussed with our Food Service Coordinator, Ellie Davis. You can reach her at our office number, 814-629-9834 or by email at ellie@gmail.com.
How do you deal with homesickness?
Our staff is trained on how to deal with campers who are homesick. Our staff will work through any homesickness with the campers by providing prayer, love and support. The camp nurse is also a valuable resource in helping homesick campers feel better.
Can I visit my camper or call them during their week of camp?
We don’t encourage parents to visit as it can be an interruption to a camper's experience. Similarly, phone calls are a disruption to the campers’ activities. For that reason, we encourage parents to write letters or email that will be distributed by their counselors during FOB or before bed times. You can send any emails to pscsummercamper@gmail.com.
(This account can only be accessed by authorized PSC staff).
What should I do if I have to drop my child off late or pick them up early from camp?
If you know that you are going to be late please make sure that you call our office
(814-629-9834) and let us know. We will make arrangements to meet you at our office to check your child in and get them connected with their cabin and counselors. An early pick-up form must be completed at the time of check-in. All early pick-ups will happen at the camp office.
What do I do if my child leaves belongings at camp after his/her week is completed?
Please clearly label all camper belongings. We will make every effort to collect all lost and found. At the end of the week, there will be a lost and found table at the closing program. If items of value are left at camp and not found on the lost and found table, please contact the camp office. If found, we will make arrangements for you to collect those items.
Can my child bring a cell phone or other electronics to camp?
Our policy is that campers do not bring cell phones or other electronics to camp. If your camper brings a cell phone or electronic device, it will be taken, stored securely in the camp office and returned to your camper at the end of the week.
How will my child's birthday be celebrated at camp?
Pine Springs Camp wants to make your child's birthday special. We sing to them in the A-frame at a meal on their birthday, and they will receive a small gift to remember celebrating their birthday at camp.
What is the camp's swim test policy?
Campers will have the opportunity to participate in a swim test on the first day of camp. This test is optional; however campers who wish to swim in the deep end and use the slide MUST pass this test.